The first question you might have is the easier to answer.

How to create a flipbook in Canva?

We have a Canva flipbook now,

So what's next?

Canva flipbook editor

The next step is to choose the options you want to allow for your readers, such as whether you want them to be able to download or print the original design. Maybe you want to add a password to protect your flipbook. There are lots of options to tweak.

We cover the most important things with this, but you can do more to create a dynamic and really interactive publication. For example, in your Canva flipbook pages, you can add gifs, images, videos, audios, or embeds such as forms or maps. It’s an easy job; you can find details about it in the flipbook interactions guide.

Now that content is ready; we only need to get the link to share on social networks, newsletters, communities, or wherever your audience is. Do you have a website where you can publish your flipbook? Great! Embedding a Canva flipbook is extremely simple, and you can do it on any web platform.

But it doesn't end after you publish your flipbook. On the statistics page, you can find the visits you receive over time. You can discover the most popular pages or interactions and get to know your audience better by seeing which website they come from and in which country they are located.

Bring your Canva designs to life and distribute them with heyzine flipbooks!

Now we know how to do it but,

How will it look like?

flipbook example cover front
Canva flipbook
flipbook example cover back

Example of flipbook created from a Canva design with Heyzine

This is an example of a flipbook created with Canva following the steps described above. You can find more in the flipbook examples section.

In any case, the best idea is to try it yourself. In less than five minutes you can have it ready.

Even if you don't have a Canva design yet, you can try with a PDF using the PDF to flipbook conversion.

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