
Instructions on how to use the editor to customize the viewer or to add engaging interactivities to your online publication.

How to create a digital bookshelf

Creating a digital bookshelf is an easy task, but many options exist. This guide will show how to create a digital bookshelf with the most important things to keep in mind

Make an interactive PDF

Through this article, we will see an easy example of how to create an interactive PDF with many different interactions like youtube videos, background music, and online forms directly embedded into your online publication.

Create a white label flipbook

It's important to personalize a professional flipbook with your brand to boost views and customer trust. We will see through this guide the different places to take into account to create a totally white-labeled flipbook with your own brand.

Customize flipbook links

Customizing your flipbook links can help you reinforce the ownership of your publications, project professionalism and attention to detail, and help your users remember your brand and your flipbooks.