Create a lead generation form

A lead generation form is an online form designed to capture information from potential customers, such as their name, email address, or other relevant details.

Capturing lead forms can help you get the desired information from your audience, which can help you improve your publications or keep your readers updated about your content.

Creating a lead generation form in a PDF is not possible, but you can do it with a heyzine flipbook, and we will show you how in this guide.

How can I create a Lead Form?

Upload your PDF to heyzine, go to the editor, click the capture lead form menu, and turn on the “enable capture lead form”.

Form options

create capture lead form

The page where it will appear is the most important setting of the lead form. You should place it on a page where your reader has already had time to engage with your document and is ready or curious to know more. So he is willing to give you details to contact him.

If you don't want to force the capture of the information too much and you don't mind lowering the number of captures, a good option is to enable the Allow skip button so your readers can leave the form without filling it. This option is also useful when you are just looking for some feedback about your publication, and you don't want to bother them at all.

You can also add the text of your preference to take place as a title of the lead form. In the same way, you can select the text you want to appear in the submit and skip buttons. So you can personalize the form to your brand or publication tone and language.

Privacy policy

Most data captured in a lead capture form, like the name and the email, are considered personal data, so it's important to comply with GDPR and other data protection regulations. Heyzine makes it easy for you. You can simply enable the option, add your company name and the link to your privacy policy.

Your reader will need to check the box agreeing to your privacy policy to be able to send his information.

Form fields

In the Fields section, you can add the fields you prefer regarding the information you want to collect from your readers. The most common fields are the name and the email, but you might also want them to answer some questions or maybe give you a rating.

You can add as many fields as you want, each with a field type that defines what your readers need to input.

For example, the email field type will ensure the format of your reader email is valid, although it's impossible to verify it's real. The Review type will show five stars for your users to rate a question, and the Paragraph type will allow them to write some text.

The fields also support markup links, so you can add a check option and use brackets to add a link and square brackets to enter the text you want to appear in place of a link. For example: [Heyzine](

Also, you can choose if you want each field to be mandatory or optional.

Form style

In the last place, you can select different styles for your lead form, by adding a theme and selecting a picture that matches the design of your document and brand.

Form behavior

So how does it work for your reader? He will visit the flipbook and will be able to go through the pages of your document until he reaches the page you defined for the lead generation form. At this point, he must type the mandatory fields and check the privacy policy.

After he submits the form, we place a cookie on the browser that's strictly used to never show the lead generation form again on that browser.

This helps mitigate duplicated leads on your reports, and it avoids bothering your visitor when he already sent the form.

Bear in mind if you are doing some tests outside the heyzine editor, you will need to clear your browser cache for the form to show up again.

How can I see the collected leads?

If you go to the Leads dashboard, you’ll be able to find all of the information collected. There’s an option to filter them by date, document, and or grouped documents by tag.

A chart on the top of the dashboard will show the performance of your lead generation forms over time.

A good idea is to try duplicating the flipbook and creating different forms to compare which captures more or better leads.

You have different options to manage the data from the lead list, like searching for specific information, changing the view, filtering by field, and different downloading options that could be useful if you want to present a report.

The export formats available to download the lead list are CSV, TXT, Excel, and PDF.

Finally, you can also choose the be notified by email when your document has just collected a new lead. This will help you reach out faster to ask for more information or convert him into a customer while you are still on his mind.

A lead generation form in action

This is a demo of how a lead generation form looks in action with a heyzine flipbook: